Azamat Lamkov Triumphs at the 2024 Mediterranean Poker Party Main Event

Azamat Lamkov is the 2024 Mediterranean Poker Party $5,300 Main Event champion that was held at the Merit Royal Diamond Hotel. After four intense days of poker, Lamkov has prevailed in a field of 1,260 players, securing the $1,000,000 top prize.

Lamkov’s path to the Mediterranean Poker Party champion was nothing short of a fairytale. His journey began with a modest $125 satellite seat purchased on GGPoker, leading to his entry into the main event. Throughout the event, Lamkov not only displayed exceptional skill but also sported a Merit Poker badge, earning him an additional entry into the upcoming Dolce Vita Series Main Event.

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A Journey from Underdog to Champion

Starting the final table fifth in chips did not deter Lamkov. His strategic prowess and calm demeanor propelled him past seasoned competitors, including Mihai Niste and Leon Sturm, who finished sixth and third, respectively. The final duel saw Lamkov outplaying Kirill Shcherbakov, who settled for a commendable second place with a $680,000 prize.

Upon clinching the title, an overwhelmed Lamkov celebrated the moment with his wife and friends, visibly moved by his achievement. He shared his initial thoughts with Pokernews: “It is very hard to explain my emotions now because I cannot realize how I’m feeling,” he shared during his winner’s interview, reflecting on the surreal experience.

Final Table

The early elimination of Yuhang Chen in ninth place set the tone for a series of dramatic exits. Shcherbakov’s pocket fives held up against Chen’s AQ, starting a cascade of knockouts. Assyl Tleuzhanov departed next, despite flopping a promising flush draw, only to be outdone by Sturm’s higher pair.

Damir Gabdullin‘s tournament journey ended in seventh place after his A7 clashed with Sturm’s A9, with the latter making a better hand and Gabdullin had to settle for a $125,000 payday.

Mihai Niste was ousted in sixth place when he lost most of his chips in a coinflip battle vs. Birger Larsen and was then unable to spin-up his short stack. $170,000 payout for sixth place is still a very respectable achievement.

A few hands later Leon Sturm kicked off the action by opening with QJ from under the gun, setting the bet at 6,000,000. The tension escalated as Kirill Shcherbakov three-bet significantly to 25,500,000 from the button. Birger Larsen, positioned in the small blind, decided to go all-in with his remaining 24,500,000, ultimately leading Sturm to fold his initial hand. Larsen revealed AQ, facing a daunting match-up against Shcherbakov’s powerful KK. The drama unfolded with a 765 flop that offered Larsen no relief. A flicker of hope emerged with the 9 on the turn, teasing the possibility of a board straight, but the river card, 3, dashed all hopes. This unfavorable outcome led to Larsen’s exit from the tournament in fifth place, as his quest for a comeback fell short against Shcherbakov’s kings.

Iurii Suvorov pushed all-in for his last 54,500,000 from the button, only to be called by Azamat Lamkov from the big blind. Suvorov held Q7, while Lamkov revealed a stronger A10. The flop rolled out 1043, heavily favoring Lamkov with a pair of tens, severely diminishing Suvorov’s chances. The turn brought a 2, and a J completed the river, providing no salvation for Suvorov. Suvorov congratulated his opponent and exited the the tournament in fourth place for $320,000.

Iurii Suvorov

Climactic Final Hands

Leon Sturm, who had been a significant force throughout the final table, found himself ousted in third place in a dramatic hand against Lamkov. Holding JJ against Lamkov’s A6, the appearance of an ace on the flop dashed his hopes of a comeback.

Lamkov was slightly ahead when the heads-up play began, and he managed to significantly extend his lead when he hit a straight and was called by ace-high.

Kirill Shcherbakov

Shcherbakov tried, but couldn’t stage a big comeback when he was eliminated in the last hand of the tournament:
Azamat Lamkov opted to limp into the pot, and Kirill Shcherbakov checked his option to see a flop, which delivered J102. After a check from Shcherbakov, Lamkov opened with a bet of 4,000,000, which Shcherbakov countered by check-raising to 12,000,000. Lamkov then went all-in, and Shcherbakov committed his remaining 47,000,000. The cards were turned over: Shcherbakov held J8, boasting top pair, while Lamkov showed Q2, with a flush draw and a pair. The tension mounted as the 3 turn changed nothing, but the river brought the 8, completing Lamkov’s flush and securing his victory by knocking out Shcherbakov in second place with a dramatic river card.

Final Table Results

1Azamat LamkovRussian Federation$1,000,000
2Kirill ShcherbakovRussian Federation$680,000
3Leon SturmGermany$440,000
4Iurii SuvorovRussian Federation$320,000
5Birger LarsenNorway$225,000
6Mihai NisteRomania$170,000
7Gamir GabdullinRussian Federation$125,000
8Assyl TleuzhanovKazakhstan$100,000

*Images and results courtesy of

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