Adrian State Triumphs in the 2024 EPT Monte Carlo €3,000 Mystery Bounty


Mystery Bounty tournaments have surged in popularity, and it’s easy to see why. The added thrill of drawing a random high-value prize from PokerStars’ chest has drawn 743 hopefuls to the €3,000 Mystery Bounty event at this year’s EPT Monte Carlo. The allure of €75,000 envelopes is undeniable.

Romania’s Adrian State was emerging victorious from this high-drama tournament, scooping a total of €286,898, of which €232,898 was prize money for a win with an additional €54,000 from the mystery bounty envelopes.

The heads-up battle against Jamie Flynn was especially notable, as State rejected an ICM deal while being a 2:1 underdog. His decision ultimately (and luckily) paid off, leading to his biggest career win to date and pushing his live tournament earnings to over $1.3 million.

2024 EPT Monte Carlo €3,000 Mystery Bounty Final Table Results

PositionPlayerCountryRegular PrizeBountyTotal Prize
1 Adrian StateRomania€232,898€54,000€286,898
2 Jamie FlynnIreland€145,530€15,000€160,530
3 Nicola GriecoItaly€103,950€14,000€117,950
4 Romain LewisFrance€79,950€13,000€92,950
5 David McConachieUnited Kingdom€61,510€9,000€70,510
6 Mohamed MehallegFrance€47,310€47,310
7 Javier Fernandez AlonsoSpain€36,400€33,000€69,400
8 Sergi ReixachSpain€28,000€27,000€55,000
9 Gediminas UselisLithuania€21,530€7,000€28,530

2024 EPT Monte Carlo €3,000 Mystery Bounty Final Table Recap

EPT Mystery Bounty

On the final day of the €3,000 Mystery Bounty at the 2024 EPT Monte Carlo, 16 players returned, aiming to claim their share of the prize pool and mystery prizes still left. As is typical with these events, the excitement isn’t just with placing high on the ladder but also drawing high-value bounties, which are celebrated almost as a win on their own. Before the final day started, all four biggest envelopes were already drawn, with Yiannis Liperis and Ghassan Bitar each having secured a €75,000 bounty.

Nicola Grieco started the day as a chip leader, followed by Adrian State. Grieco maintained his momentum at the start of the final table, eliminating Gediminas Uselis and Sergi Reixach. The latter’s elimination was particularly noteworthy as Reixach went all-in with pocket kings only to be bested by Grieco’s pocket aces.

Nicola Grieco

While Grieco had a strong start, State, on the other hand, went the other way and found himself as the short stack at one point. However, a critical moment for him came when he doubled up with ace-ten against Javier Fernandez’s pocket kings with a lucky ace on the river. Fernandez was ousted soon after, falling to Jamie Flynn’s ace-queen.

State’s comeback continued as he began to accumulate chips, eventually knocking out Mohamed Mehalleg, whose pocket sevens found no help against State’s pocket tens. “Lucky seven” didn’t hold their nickname today as David McConachie exited next with pocket sevens against Flynn’s pocket aces.

Romain Lewis finished in fourth place after Flynn initially opened from the button, Lewis shoved from the small blind, and State re-jamed, forcing Flynn to fold. Lewis’s pocket tens were beaten by State’s ace-queen, with a queen on the flop sealing his fate.

The next hour or so was a story of Grieco’s fall from a throne. From a big chip leader with three players left to hit the rail in the third place when he went all-in with queen-jack, and Flynn called with ace-nine. Two aces on the flop ended Grieco’s incredible run.

Jamie Flynn

Heading into the heads-up, Flynn held a commanding 2:1 lead over State, and while the pair briefly discussed an ICM deal, State chose to play on. On the very next hand, State went all-in with 9h8c, and Flynn called with 7s7c. State could be happy to see a “fake flip,” and the flop was also favorable for him with 7d3hTh, giving him the open-ended straight draw. The turn was a blank Ks, but the river delivered 6d for a straight and a big chip lead.

But the end wasn’t near as the battle continued, and the lead swapped several times. On the final hand, Flynn’s went all-in with jack-ten was met by State’s pocket nines. The board offered no help to Flynn, securing Adrian State as the champion of the 2024 EPT Monte Carlo €3,000 Mystery Bounty event.

* Images and hands courtesy of

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