Erik Cajelais Chip Leader After Day 1a of Jackie’s Poker Tour Main Event

The 500k guaranteed tournament at Sortis Casino in Panama has started yesterday with the Canadian professional poker player Erik Cajelais as the cur…

Erik Cajelais Chip Leader After Day 1a of Jackie's Poker Tour Main Event

The 500k guaranteed tournament at Sortis Casino in Panama has started yesterday with the Canadian professional poker player Erik Cajelais as the current chip leader after Day 1a.
Jackie’s Poker Tour is back in Panama. The $1,500 Main Event is underway with day 1a already finished. Erik Cajelais finished the day with the most chips out of everyone and he was awarded $7,000 chip leader bonus for the day. There will a total of 6 day 1s available to players and day 2 will be played out on Saturday, March 5.

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Panamanian Jorge Hou managed to take home $3,000 as the second place by chips, but it was not easy for him, because the hand that made it happen for him was when he was all-in with 99 vs. AA on a low board flop, but got lucky on the turn when he hit a 9.

Day 1A results of the Main Event Panama 2022

Erik Cajelais Chip Leader After Day 1a of Jackie's Poker Tour Main Event

Day 1a ended with 15 out of 71 players left which included 9 re-entries. 2000/4000 will be the blinds at the start of Day 2 and the current average is 164,710 chips.

Panama Cash Game Festival

Erik Cajelais Chip Leader After Day 1a of Jackie's Poker Tour Main Event

Along the tournament series, there is also an amazing cash game festival happening. The highest table that was opened was 25/25$. This happened when Mr. Jackie was eliminated from the tournament, where it was looking really good for him, but in the end, variance got to him and did not made day 2.

Erik Cajelais Chip Leader After Day 1a of Jackie's Poker Tour Main Event

The Main Event is played on the same floor as the cash tables so the whole event will be packed with lots of fun action, a true poker carnival that will continue with many different events.
There are still a lot of chances to get in to the action to go before this event comes to an end with great opportunites to qualify to the main event by satellites.

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