The Golden Poker Championship returns to Casino Gran Vía from December 12 to 20 for a week full of tournaments and cash games. The team…
The Golden Poker Championship returns to Casino Gran Vía from December 12 to 20 for a week full of tournaments and cash games. The team…
The Golden Poker Championship returns to Casino Gran Vía from December 12 to 20 for a week full of tournaments and cash games. The team will be at the series simultaneously as the EPT Prague.
Golden Events was born in 2014 and is mainly dedicated to holding poker events throughout Europe. In just 5 years we saw the leap to hold events in Latin America, holding events in Mexico, and in Punta Cana, such as the CLSOP. Currently, they hold all kinds of events worldwide, since they have commercial agents in more than 60 countries, making the tournaments very attractive.
Since 1924 situated in the heart of Madrid, the Gran Vía has been the site of the best tournaments in the world. It is a unique space, perfect for enjoying the best gastronomy and cocktails, its spectacular architectural richness, and the most exclusive leisure.
Enjoy spectacular views of Gran Vía and its spectacular architectural beauty that stands out.
Golden Championship 2022 will be the best edition of the series so far. Because 2022 is ending, lots of surprises will come your way during the series. Check out the schedule of the series below:
Our team will be in Madrid reporting and playing. Follow our social media channels for photos and news coming next week.
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