High Stakes Poker Season 13 Episode 9 Recap

The stakes are going up on this episode of High Stakes Poker as a new lineup of players battle away at $500/$1,000 No-Limit Hold’em. Andrew Robl, Sameh Elamawy, Jennifer Tilly, Justin Gavri, and Brandon Steven all return for some high-stakes action, while Nik Airball, Stanley Tang, and Humboldt Mike join the action. You can read about last episode here.

Airball Makes Them Fold!

Elamawy opened to $3,000 with 88, Airbal 3-bet to $10,000 with KK, Steven called with AQ, and Elamawy called. The pot was $32,000.

The dealer put down J26, Steven and Elamawy checked, Airball c-bet to $15,000, and both players called. The pot was $77,000.

The turn came 6, and all players checked.

The river was 6, Steven led for $27,000, Elamawy called, and Airball shoved for $162,000. Steven folded quickly, and Elamawy took a few moments to think before he folded. Airball won $131,000 with his kings full.

Block Bet Bluff Goes Trough

Robl opened to $16,000, Elamawy called with 107, and Humboldt Mike completed with A10. The pot was $49,500.

The flop was Q45; Robl and Elamawy checked, Humboldt bet $29,000, Elamawy raised $109,000 with just backdoors, and Humboldt called. The pot was $267,500.

The turn came J giving Humboldt some additional outs in case he needed them. Elamawy continued with a $182,000 bet, and Humboldt called. The pot was $631,500.

The river was 8, and Elamawy didn’t think much before he shoved for the remaining $186,000, which was only a tiny block bet with the size of the pot at the time, but Humboldt was holding only an ace high with diamonds that made his hand a bad bluff catcher. Humboldt decided to fold, and Elamawy won $631,500. The group persuaded Elamawy to show the hand, but nobody could believe what he had.

Steven Folds Trips and Saves $125,000

Tilly opened to $3,000 with AK, and Steven called with K10. The pot was $8,000.

The flop was KK4 giving both players trips, but both of them decided to check.

The turn came 2, which is a brick. Steven checked again. Tilly bet $5,000. Brandon raised to $15,000, and Tilly called. The pot was $38,000.

The river 5 was another brick. Steven continued with a $37,000 bet, and Tilly went for a $125,000 raise. Steven showed the king before he decided to fold. Tilly won $75,000.

You can watch next episode on Monday, October 14, at 8 p.m. ET.
