Jhonatan Sáenz Wins PGAT Opener for $26,000

Colombian Jhonatan Sáenz wins the opening tournament of the Poker Grand Adventure Tour, which is taking place at Sortis Hotel, Spa & Casino in …

Jhonatan Sáenz Wins PGAT Opener for $26,000

Colombian Jhonatan Sáenz wins the opening tournament of the Poker Grand Adventure Tour, which is taking place at Sortis Hotel, Spa & Casino in Panama, repeating the international success as a finalist in the Main Event of King Series of Poker, held in Rio de Janeiro. With the victory, Jhonatan pocketed $26,000 after deal was made 3-handed.

The opener concluded in early morning hours when Sáenz beat his heads-up opponent Román López and Venezuelan Víctor Cavaneri before that, securing the additional $6,000 money prize, after the trio split $60,000 left in the prize pool for $20,000 each.

Jhonatan Sáenz Wins PGAT Opener for $26,000

Opening tournament gather 216 entries for a $134,000 prize pool. Many familiar faces were seend at the tables, including Jéssica Pérez, Terje Bremseth, Morten Bremseth, Osvaldo Lewis, Josh Stewart, Benno Schmidt, Francis Cruz, Sebastian Hoyos, and many more.

Jhonatan Sáenz Wins PGAT Opener for $26,000Terje Bremseth

PGAT Opener Final Table Results

Position Player Country Prize
1 Jhonatan Saenz Colombia $26,000*
2 Román López Colombia $20,000*
3 Víctor Cabaneiro Venezuela $20,000*
4 Kasey Mills USA $10,000
5 Fynn Jakobi Germany $7,000
6 Alberto Espíndola Venezuela $5,000
7 May Penn China $4,000
8 Cristopher Corrales Costa Rica $3,000
9 Giovanny Reyes Colombia $2,350

High Roller PGAT

Jhonatan Sáenz Wins PGAT Opener for $26,000Josh Stewart

High Stakes players had all eyes on the most expensive tournament of the tour, the $3,000 High Roller PGAT Panama with $150,000 GTD.
After 12 hours of action in Day 1A, 8 players were left with Víctor Rodríguez leading the pack with 474,000 chips, followed by Camilo Cardona with 325,000. Among other notables are Jacobo Montoya, David Díaz, and local player Hersel Levy.

PokerPro.cc representative Josh Stewart was unfortunately eliminated just few places before the end of the day, but the tour has just started and his favorite PLO events are still coming. He arrived in Panama in good form after some great results at the PCA in Bahamas and second place finish at Irish Poker Tour.

Jhonatan Sáenz Wins PGAT Opener for $26,000Hersel Levy

If you want to see more pictures and updates from the event, check out our social media pages and give us a follow!
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Satellites for the Main Event

Satellites for the PGAT Main Event are still going strong on PokerBROS. Win a package including buy-in, hotel and cash package! Contact us for more info.

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Jhonatan Sáenz Wins PGAT Opener for $26,000

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