WPT Welcomes Andrew Neeme To Their Growing Ambassador Lineup

Professional poker player and content pioneer Andrew Neeme becomes the most recent addition to the World Poker Tour team of ambassadors. As the newe…

WPT Welcomes Andrew Neeme To Their Growing Ambassador Lineup

Professional poker player and content pioneer Andrew Neeme becomes the most recent addition to the World Poker Tour team of ambassadors. As the newest representative of WPT, Neeme will follow the tour to attend WPT events around the world, work alongside online partners in promotional efforts, and create exclusive content for WPT.
“Joining the team of ambassadors at WPT will be a massive enhancement to my work as a player-turned-creator,” said Neeme. “I’ve always used my vlog to not only highlight the game itself, but also the experiences that surround a poker-focused life. Partnering with the World Poker Tour will unlock new opportunities and experiences for the vlog, as well as provide new ways for fans of this content to interact in person and online. The WPT has provided a window into the excitement of poker since day one, and was a major influence on getting countless people into the game, myself included. Now we’re aligned with the goal of trying to make that window as big as possible.”

WPT Welcomes Andrew Neeme To Their Growing Ambassador Lineup

Neeme’s journey as a poker player began long before his venture into YouTube. While he began playing poker in 2004, he did not start to record his experiences at the table until October of 2016. His approach to capturing the experience of a professional poker player always highlights everything that happens before and after the cards hit the felt, not just the action and strategy at the table.
“A partnership with Andrew is a natural fit for WPT,” said Adam Pliska, World Poker Tour CEO. “He is a trailblazer in the poker industry whose influence  on the game can be felt anywhere the game of poker is played.”

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Neeme, who is credited with popularizing the poker Meet Up Game, will attend his debut event as WPT Ambassador later this year. Players and fans will have opportunities to meet with Andrew throughout the WPT schedule as he will be attending events around the world.
“WPT is ahead of the game in recognizing the value of content creators in the poker space,” said WPT Ambassador Brad Owen. “I couldn’t be happier to have my long-time friend and partner joining me on the WPT team.”

WPT Welcomes Andrew Neeme To Their Growing Ambassador Lineup

World-renowned poker brand, World Poker Tour, recently licensed its brand to a new online real money gaming platform, WPTGlobal, an emerging tech and gambling company based in Europe, which is designing a platform that is fun, fair and safe to play.

WPTGlobal offers you one of the largest player pools, a generous welcome bonus, up to 45% rakeback, freerolls, rake race and other player rewards.

Read WPTGlobal full review here.

WPT Welcomes Andrew Neeme To Their Growing Ambassador Lineup
– 100% up to $1,200 welcome bonus
– up to 45% rakeback
– $10,000 monthly rake race
– freerolls
WPT Welcomes Andrew Neeme To Their Growing Ambassador Lineup

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